Mathematics Home


To become internationally recognizable through high quality research and other  
academic pursuits


To produce well trained professionals with high standards of academic excellence, 
innovative research capabilities, ethical conduct and integrity.

The Department of Mathematics is one of the oldest departments of NITC.  In addition to the courses offered for the B.Tech, B.Arch, M.C.A. and  M.Tech programmes of the institute, The Department offers the following programmes.

Ph. D. in Mathematics

M.Sc. Degree in Mathematics

Candidates with first class Masters degree in Mathematics/Statistics/ and a valid GATE Score or UGC/CSIR/NBHM fellowship or NET can seek admission for the Ph.D.  programme. A few research fellowships are available to full time research scholars who are not receiving any financial support/ scholarship. In addition, those who are awarded UGC/CSIR/National Board of Higher Mathematics Doctoral Fellowship can enjoy the same once admitted in the Institute.  The selection is through an interview.  Please refer to information brochure for details regarding eligibility, selection process, fees, etc.

Candidates having a B.Sc. degree in Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics/Statistics with minimum 60% marks or CGPA 6.5/10 or equivalent are eligible to apply for the programme. (For SC/ST candidates the minimum mark requirement is 50% marks or CGPA 5.5/10). The admission will take place during the month of July. Qualified candidates as well as students who are doing their final semester/year of study and who can get the qualifying degree before 15 September can also apply for the programme.

The Admission to MSc Programme is through centralized counselling conducted for the M.Sc programs of various NITs and Centrally Funded Technical Institutes. The admission is based on the Joint Admission Test for M.Sc. (JAM) score. Candidates with valid JAM  score are eligible to participate in Centralized Counselling. The merit list of the registered candidates is solely based on JAM score.

 Please visit the website  to register for the counselling and for further details.

Rules and Regulations of the M.Sc. programme

Curriculum and Syllabus of M.Sc.(Mathematics)



Rules and Regulations 

List of Research Scholars

